Parking Information
General Parking

For weekend liturgies, parking is available in the parish office lot (1), in the Aquinas Academy parking lot (2), and in the Greensburg-Salem Middle School parking lot (3).
Parking Restrictions
Handicapped-accessible/special needs:The parish office lot (1) is closest to the ramp entrance to the Church as well as the elevator from the basement social hall to the Church. During weekend and holy day liturgies, about half of this lot is designated as handicapped-accessible parking. Please be courteous of those who have these special needs. For safety, please do not park in the parish office fire lane or the driveway that leads behind the office.
During faith formation classes:To ensure the safety of the children attending faith formation classes, there is absolutely no parking in front of the red brick Aquinas Academy building on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. while faith formation is in session.