Finance Council
The parish finance council is a consultative body of the Christian faithful established to advise the pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. The Code of Canon Law, canon 537 mandates that a finance council be present in each church. The parish finance council is responsible for assisting and advising the parish administration in being accountable and responsible to the people for the temporal affairs of the parish.
Members of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Finance Council are Ed Nemanic, John Kline, Judy Komarinski, Nancy Rottler, and Nazzi Zola.
Pastoral Council
The parish pastoral council’s purpose is stated in the Code of Canon Law, canon 536. The fundamental activity is rooted in an individual and corporate response to the activity of the Good Shepherd. The concern of each member and of the parish pastoral council as a whole is the welfare of the entire parish. This is especially true in regard to community, worship and prayer, service, education, and leadership/administration. The parish pastoral council is the primary consultative body to the pastor in matters which touch the pastoral life of the entire parish.
Members of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Pastoral Council are Mark Bartels, Judy McChesney, Andy Benedict, Paul Niemiec, Betty Rua, Linda Cooper, Mike Rzempoluch, David Fidazzo, Kirsten Lieberum, and John Mickinack.