There are various ways parishioners of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral can become involved in the life of our parish community. The ministries offered include a wide range of works in the areas of care ministry, liturgical ministry, music ministry and social ministry. Your dedication of time, talent and treasure extends the light of Christ to everyone you serve.
If you are interested in obtaining more information or becoming involved in one or more of these ministry areas, please contact the parish office.
Care Ministries
The Catholic framework of charity, service and caring is the basis for a range of care ministries at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, providing help to those in need, hope to those in despair and the light of Christ to everyone we serve. If you are interested in obtaining more information or becoming involved in one or more of these ministries, please contact Katie Zuzik in the parish office.
Homebound Ministry Ministers of holy Communion to the Homebound take the Eucharist to the homebound of our parish to keep those who cannot attend Mass renewed by the holy Eucharist and united with their parish. |
Nursing Home Ministry Ministers of holy Communion to the nursing homes take communion on Sundays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass to Catholic residents at local nursing homes. |
Food Preparers Food preparers provide respite meals to parish families in crisis. |
Prayer Chain The prayer chain offers prayers for those who send in prayer requests |
Music Ministries
Below you will find information about the different ensembles that comprise the music ministry here at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. For more information about any of these ensembles, please contact Chris Pardini in the parish office.
Cathedral Choir The Cathedral Choir is the primary vocal ensemble of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. Membership is open to those of high school age and older. The choir usually sings at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and sings a varied repertoire of accompanied and a cappella works. The choir is joined by brass and string ensembles at Christmas and Easter. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the choir room (lower level of the cathedral). |
Cathedral Children’s Choir This choir is open to all children in third through eighth grade. Rehearsals are every other Sunday morning during a portion of faith formation. This group sings every four to six weeks at the 11:30 a.m. Mass, providing leadership in worship through the singing of the responsorial psalm as well as other service music and choir pieces. The children learn fundamentals of healthy singing, as well as knowledge of the church’s music and liturgy. |
Diocesan Choir Comprised of singers from around the Diocese of Greensburg, this ensemble sings for diocesan liturgies and joins with the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Choir for Christmas Lessons and Carols. Rehearsals alternate Monday and Tuesday each week. |
Resurrection Choir The Resurrection Choir provides musical leadership for funeral liturgies at the cathedral. No audition is required; however, availability during weekday mornings is required. |
Cathedral Cantors Cantors provide musical leadership at liturgies (Sundays and holy days) and normally proclaim the responsorial psalm. Strong music reading and vocal skills are presumed. An audition is required for membership. Cantor rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings following Cathedral Choir rehearsal in the choir room. |
Liturgical Ministries
The celebration of the liturgy is central to the life of our community. It is the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; at the same time it is the fount from which all the church’s power flows (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963). We give praise and thanksgiving for God’s abundant gifts, we are nourished at the table of the Lord, and we are called forth into service to our community and to our world.
If you are interested in obtaining more information, becoming involved, or volunteering in one or more of these ministries, please contact Katie Zuzik in the parish office.
Altar Servers Servers assist the priest at Mass. Children who have received their first holy Communion and have been confirmed are eligible to be servers. Adult servers are also needed for daily Mass. |
Art and Environment Parishioners assist the art and environment needs of the church throughout the year. The group offers ideas, talents and the valuable hands-on assistance to help create the beauty of our worship space. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion These ministers assist in the distribution of Communion during Mass. |
Lectors Lectors proclaim sacred Scripture from the lectionary for Mass during Sunday Mass and daily Mass. |
Sacristans Sacristans help prepare for Mass and for funerals (sacred vessels, liturgical books, paschal candle, etc.) |
Ushers Ushers welcome and assist in seating congregants, providing assistance to the handicapped, taking up collections, coordinating gift bearers and attending to the ill during Sunday Mass. |
Social Ministries
The Catholic framework of charity, service and caring is the basis for a range of social ministries at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, providing help to those in need, hope to those in despair and the light of Christ to everyone we serve. If you are interested in obtaining more information or becoming involved in one or more of these ministries, please contact the parish office.
Bereavement Support Our parish offers a grief support program that meets the second and fourth Tuesday each month. This program is an opportunity for those in their sorrow to join others for mutual support in grief. |
Bethlehem ProjectThe Bethlehem Project, founded in 1998, provides assistance to those in our community who are in need of permanent housing or emergency lodging. When a need was identified based upon many people coming to the church for emergency housing assistance, a partnership with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Greensburg was created two years later. Learn more |
St. Vincent de Paul SocietyWomen and men join together to offer service to those who are in need and suffering. The Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Conference of St. Vincent de Paul focuses on service projects throughout the year. Learn More |