FORMED is a platform where parishioners are able to access a vast array of Catholic Content; Catholic Movies, eBooks, Audio Dramas, Bible Studies, Youth and Children’s Programming. Formed was started by the Augustine Institute who has for many years helped Catholics engage their faith.
FORMED is FREE to parishioners.
Steps to Sign Up
1. Go to formed.org/signup
2. Enter the Zip code in the “Find Your Parish or Organization” box.
3. Click on “Blessed Sacrament Catherdral-PA-15601” in the next drop down box.
4. You will need to enter your name and email address.
5. An email will be sent to you from FORMED.
6. Open the email, click “Sign In Now” then click “Start Watching.”
After you are signed up, you will just need to go to watch.formed.org.
You will be asked to verify your email when using multiple devices for the first time.