November 2, 2022
All Souls’ Mass of Remembrance
November 2, 2022 at
6:00 PM w/light reception
In conjunction with the Church’s yearly
November All Souls’ remembrance, on Wednesday, November 2 at 6:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, our parish will celebrate the Eucharist with Bishop Larry Kulick to remember in a special way the lives of our beloved dead. At this Mass there will be a unique remembrance of those who have been buried from our parish since All Souls’ Day last year. For those who have lost a loved one from the parish last year, the names will be read of those who have been buried from the church. Loved ones are invited to bring a photograph of their departed loved one to be placed at the foot of the altar in remembrance. Special candles will be prepared ahead of time with your loved one’s name on the candle.
If you plan to attend the Mass on November 2 and would like a candle prepared for your loved one, please call Katie Zuzik in the parish office at: 724-834-3710 ex. 11.